Monday, August 21, 2017

School’s In! – 5 Ways to Stay Safe and Sane During the Morning Commute

A recent study by Allianz, a British insurance company, found that parents’ stress levels were 30 percent higher in the morning, as they anticipate the school drop-off. The stress hormone cortisol peaked around 8:15 a.m. when parents were heading out the door. Further, a third of the parents said the school run could mess up “timings for the rest of the day” and a majority admitted, “it sets their mood for the rest of the day – good or bad.”

“The first weeks of the new school year are usually the most hectic because people are not yet used to the fact that the relaxed summer time is over,” said a press release from Sygic, a popular GPS Navigation company.

“Everybody is trying to get back to normal or adjust to new routines, so it is important to be very cautious when driving.”


Back to School Safety Tips


1) Give Yourself Twice as Much Time As You Think You’ll Need.

For many parents, some of the stress comes from arriving on time.

“Roads with less traffic in the summer may face congestion, so allow extra time to get to your destination. You don’t want your kids to be late for the first day of school. Or any day of school for that matter. And you don’t want to be late for work or miss that important appointment,” Sygic said.

With the back to school season just around the corner, experts are cautioning parents and other drivers to be extra alert. Property Casualty Insurers Association of America noted that U.S. traffic deaths continue to increase, further impressing the point of safety in the morning.

“With more people on the roads, often driving in unfamiliar territory, the potential for a traffic crash increases. We encourage motorists to plan their routes in advance when traveling to new destinations, be patient, and allow for extra travel time,” they said.


2) Be Prepared for Delays and Traffic

Parents across Massachusetts will be facing the same struggle of getting kids to school before the bell, and for many, that means just one thing to finish before the rest of the day starts for themselves.

“Parents often do not have enough time to drop their kids off and then get to the office, so they feel rushed and stressed. This can be avoided by trying out the route beforehand and allowing some extra time for delays on the road. It’s always better to be a little early, rather than a little late,” Sygic said. It may also be wise to use a hands-free navigation app that shows accurate and up-to-date traffic information that can direct you around bad traffic situations.


3) Be Patient and Watch for Children Walking to School.

A study by the National Safety Council found that most of the children who lose their lives in bus-related incidents were walking.

“They are hit by the bus, or by a motorist illegally passing a stopped bus,” they said. Additionally, 23,000 children ages 5-15 were injured and 250 were killed while walking or bicycling in another recent study by the Safe Routes to School National Partnership nonprofit.

Drivers – even those who are not parents – must keep careful watch of situations that involve young pedestrians.

“Be alert; children often are unpredictable, and they tend to ignore hazards and take risks,” said the National Safety Council. Sygic also recommended being careful with kids on the roads.

“Children are often unpredictable, so pay extra attention when driving in the school areas, near playgrounds & parks, and in residential areas. Don’t forget to watch out for pedestrians when parking as well.”


4) Make Sure Children Know Where to Go After Drop Off

Most schools will have school attendants or teachers at the drop-off point. Children’s uncertainty for the first day of school can be reduced by being sure they’re equipped with all the information they need to get to class and start their day.


5) Instruct Children About Good Walking Safety

People walking are twice as likely to be struck by a vehicle in locations without sidewalks, says Safe Routes to School National PartnershipsThey advise parents to walk the route to school with their kids, talk to them about potential dangers and explain the importance of staying safe alongside traffic. Lastly, parents should remind their children to not speak with strangers or accept a ride from someone they don’t know.


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